Workplace & culture

Improving employee engagement: Key strategies for success

Discover actionable strategies to boost employee engagement, productivity & drive business success. Learn how to create a positive workplace culture.

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How to improve employee engagement?


It helps to think of
employee engagement as the most effective way of driving the overall success of your company. When your employees (your greatest asset) are meaningfully engaged, they are also motivated, committed, and loyal. High productivity, quality performance, and low turnover are the natural results of an engaged workforce. 


The importance of employee engagement 

Let's break it down, shall we? The very tangible benefits of having employees who are engaged in the day-to-day are as follows: 

  • Increased job satisfaction 

A Gallup survey revealed that engaged workforces result in 70% better wellbeing and 23% more profitability compared to disengaged ones. It's not rocket science. Engaged employees tend to experience higher job satisfaction because they feel valued as human beings, supported, and personally connected to their work and the company's goals. With a sense of purpose at work comes a sense of recognition for work well done, which leads to deeper employee commitment. 

Stats from Gallup Q12 report
  • Higher levels of creativity 

Engaged staff tend to exhibit higher levels of creativity. Why? Because they feel empowered, inspired, and safe to contribute innovative ideas. Their connection to their work tasks and the greater company mission makes for an environment that is conducive to brainstorming and creative problem-solving—without the worry of judgement. 

  • More-better productivity 

Employees who are enthusiastically committed to their work are also typically more productive. But it's not just the quantity of work—they also perform more efficiently and effectively. This heightened output is the result of strong alignment with organizational goals, as well as employees' desire to go above and beyond their stated roles. 

  • Easier innovation 

When you have team members who are really tapped in, they move beyond participation to active contribution. How? By seeking out and implementing new ideas, processes, and solutions to short and long-term problems alike. Not to mention, their strong commitment to the success of the company sets an example for others, encouraging a proactive approach to challenges. The result? A culture of continuous improvement and experimentation


How to improve employee engagement 

Now that you know just how crucial employee engagement is to the health of the company, here's how you can improve yours: 

  • Cultivate a positive & inclusive company culture 

In one major long-term study, companies that had the best corporate cultures grew 682% in revenue. Championing open communication, providing diversity training, and encouraging collaboration and respect among all employees, are all ways of cultivating a positive and inclusive company culture. A greater sense of belonging and mutual respect motivates employees to contribute more actively—over time—to the overall success of the company. 

Firms with Performance-Enhancing Cultures showing an increase in revenue

  • Fostering open communication 

Foster open communication by establishing transparent channels for feedback, actively listening to employees, and encouraging honest and respectful dialogue at all levels of the organization. All of the above ensure that employees feel heard, understood, and valued. This transparency builds trust and encourages a collaborative atmosphere—one in which employees are more likely to get involved and actively invest in their work. 

  • Recognizing and rewarding employees 

The importance of recognizing and rewarding employees cannot be overstated. It leads to higher engagement by making your team feel appreciated and acknowledged for their contributions, which in turn boosts morale and motivation. This positive reinforcement encourages continued effort and loyalty, fostering stronger organizational ties to boot. 

  • Setting clear goals and expectations 

Setting clear goals and expectations is everything. By providing employees with a defined path and measurable targets (ones that help them understand their impact on the company's success), you foster a sense of purpose and direction. Clarity, in turn, leads to increased focus and motivation.  

  • Providing opportunities for professional growth 

A recent survey from Better Buys found that employees who get professional development opportunities are 15% more engaged and have 34% higher retention than those who don't. Opportunities for professional growth demonstrate your company's investment in employee development. Employees who have a chance to learn and advance in their careers are more likely to be engaged as well as dedicated to achieving both personal and business-wide goals. 

Employees with professional development opportunities feel 15% more engaged.

Employees with professional development opportunities are 34% more likely to stay at their jobs.

Employee motivation and engagement strategies 

This (not) just in: leadership plays a crucial role in motivating and engaging employees! Indeed, effective leadership can help to create a positive work environment and a sense of purpose by providing vision, guidance, support, and inspiration.  

Here are a few different motivation techniques:  

  • Performance incentives 

Performance incentives such as bonus pay, additional paid time off, and opportunities for career advancement offer clear goals to work toward and tangible rewards for achieving them. This framework establishes a culture of accountability and recognition, encouraging inspired productivity. PurelyHR enables the implementation and tracking of performance incentives through its Performance module

  • Flexible work arrangements 

Flexible work arrangements are a great motivator and can take many forms: remote, hybrid, and flexible hours for parents who do better work after the kids are asleep—you name it. Flexibility motivates and engages employees by demonstrating trust as well as respect for their work-life balance and personal needs. Results include a lower chance of burnout and higher productivity. By automating time tracking, PurelyHR facilitates flexible work arrangements. 

  • Work-life balance 

When effective leadership promotes work-life balance—and leads by example, it shows employees that their wellbeing is a priority, which enhances job satisfaction and reduces stress and burnout. By automating leave management, PurelyHR supports work-life balance. Employees feel more supported, valued and engaged knowing their workplace cares about them and is willing to act on it. 

  • Regular feedback and support 

PurelyHR's Performance module aids in providing regular feedback and support, which engages and motivates employees by helping them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This ongoing communication builds trust and confidence, ultimately leading to professional growth and development. Paired with a stronger commitment to the organization, this is a huge win. 

  • Celebrating successes and milestones 

Effective leadership knows to celebrate employee successes and milestones because doing so creates a culture of mutual support, admiration, and—you guessed it, engagement. Celebrating wins—both big and small also boosts morale and encourages continued dedication and effort from every member of your team. PurelyHR helps teams celebrate by integrating recognition and rewards into its platform. 


Employee engagement ideas and activities 

If you're sold on upping engagement but aren't sure where to start, here are a few creative team-building ideas: 

  • Group outings can be a great team-building activity as they foster harmony and trust. You might organize a team hike or a volunteer day at a local charity. 

  • Volunteer opportunities allow team members to collaborate towards a common goal, such as organizing a beach clean-up, or participating in a community soup kitchen together. 

  • Wellness programs such as group yoga sessions or team fitness challenges promote health and wellbeing while fostering a sense of community among employees. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg, though. Consider trying any one of these multifarious team-building activities with your employees—whether at a meeting, in the workplace, or after hours. 


The bottom line is that engaged employees are happy, invested, productive, and loyal employees, and they're your greatest asset by far. Cultivating a supportive workplace that is inclusive, communicative, flexible, and human can go a long way toward keeping your people meaningfully motivated and engaged. Taking the time to breathe and acknowledge victories is also an essential ingredient in any engagement strategy worth its salt. 


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