Time management

Humorous out of office messages: How to keep it light and professional

Discover how to craft humorous out of office messages that keep it professional. Learn how to strike the right balance and make your absence memorable.

In the fast-paced world of work, communication is key, including letting your colleagues and clients know when you're unavailable. Out of office (OOO) messages are essential for this purpose, but who says they must be dull? A touch of humor can make your message memorable and bring a smile to the recipient's face. In this article, we'll explore how to craft humorous out of office messages that strike the right balance between funny and professional.


What is an out-of-office email?

An out of office (OOO) email is an automated reply sent when you are unavailable to respond to emails, such as during vacations, business trips, or other absences. It informs the sender that you are away, specifies when you will return, and often provides alternative contact information. This ensures that urgent matters can still be addressed and sets clear expectations for when they can expect a response from you.


Why use a humorous out-of-office message?

Out-of-office messages serve a practical purpose: informing people that you're away and when you'll be back. However, they can also be an opportunity to showcase your personality and lighten the mood. A well-crafted humorous message can:

  1. Brighten someone's day: A funny message can lift the recipient's spirits.
  2. Make you more memorable: A unique message can make you stand out in a sea of mundane replies.
  3. Show your personality: Humor reflects your creativity and can humanize professional interactions.

The do's and don'ts of humorous out-of-office messages

Do: Keep it professional

While humor is the goal, remember that this is still a professional setting. Avoid anything that could be perceived as offensive or inappropriate. Stick to lighthearted and universally relatable humor.

Don't: Overcomplicate it

A good humorous message is usually short and to the point. Don't try to pack in too many jokes, or you might confuse the recipient. Simplicity is key.

Do: Tailor it to your audience

Consider who will be receiving your out-of-office message. What might be funny to a close colleague could be lost on a client. Adjust the tone and content based on who you expect to see your message.

Don't forget the essential information

Even if you're being humorous, don't forget to include the necessary details:

  1. When you'll be back.
  2. Who to contact in your absence.
  3. How urgent matters will be handled.

Crafting the perfect humorous out-of-office message

Here are some tips on how to create a humorous out-of-office message that is both funny and functional.

  1. Start with a hook
    Grab attention right away with a clever opening line. This could be a witty remark or a humorous observation.

    Example: "Hello! You've reached the inbox of someone currently sipping cocktails on a beach... or at least dreaming of it."

  2. Add a personal touch
    Include a personal element that reflects your personality or current situation. This could reference your holiday destination, your love of coffee, or even your favorite TV show.

    Example: "I'm out of the office right now, probably binge-watching 'The Office' for the 10th time."

  3. Provide essential information (with a twist)
    Ensure to include the basics—when you'll be back and who to contact in your absence. But feel free to do it with a bit of flair.

    Example: "I'll be back in the office on [Return Date]. If your email is urgent, please contact [Colleague's Name]—they promised only to give me half the credit for saving the day."

  4. End with a lighthearted sign-off
    Wrap up your message with a closing line that leaves the reader smiling.

    Example: "Until then, please don't do anything I wouldn't do… which leaves you plenty of options. Cheers!"

Examples of humorous out-of-office messages

To get you started, here are some humorous out-of-office message ideas that you can adapt to your own style:

  1. The classic vacation mode

    "Thank you for your email. I'm currently out of the office, pretending I'm somewhere exotic. I'll be back on [Date], hopefully with a tan, but definitely with lots of unread emails."

  2. The honest truth

    "Out of office until [Date]. I'm probably lost in a pile of vacation brochures, trying to decide between 'doing nothing' and 'doing absolutely nothing.'"

  3. The delegator

    "I'm away from my desk, but don't worry, my colleague [Name] has kindly agreed to handle everything I've been procrastinating on."

  4. The movie buff

    "I'm out of the office, but if this were a movie, now would be the part where you get in touch with [Name] for all your urgent needs. I'll be back after the credits roll on [Date]."

  5. The suspiciously specific

    "I'm out of the office right now. If you're reading this, I'm either hiking up a mountain or frantically searching for Wi-Fi at the top. Hopefully,
    I'll be back on [Date] with both legs intact."

When to use a humorous out-of-office message

While humorous out-of-office messages can be fun, they aren't always appropriate. Consider the following factors before setting up your message:

  • Company culture: If your workplace is formal or conservative, humor might not be well received. Ensure your message aligns with the overall tone of your organization.
  • Audience: Think about who will receive your message. Humor might be well-suited for internal communications but could be misunderstood by clients or stakeholders.
  • Purpose of your absence: If your absence is due to a serious matter, such as a medical issue or a family emergency, it's better to stick to a straightforward message.


Use our out-of-office email generator to create quick and professional OOO messages

Creating the perfect out-of-office messages doesn't have to be a chore. Our free out-of-office email and message generator makes crafting a clear, professional message easy in just a few clicks.

out of office generator screenThe PurelyHR out of office message generator 

Simply enter your name, the dates you will be away, your leave type, and who to contact in your absence. The tool will generate a polished, no-nonsense, out-of-office email, ensuring that everyone who reaches out knows when you will be back and who to contact for urgent matters.


How to set up an out of office auto reply

Setting up an out of office message is straightforward. Here’s a quick guide:

Using Outlook

    • Go to "File" > "Automatic Replies."
    • Select "Send automatic replies," specify your time range, and compose your message.
Refer to the following guide by Microsoft: Set-up auto-reply (out of office).

Using Gmail

    • Go to "Settings" > "See all settings."
    • Under the "General" tab, scroll to "Vacation responder."
    • Enable it, set your dates, and write your message.

Refer to the following guide by Google: Create a vacation reply.



Humorous out-of-office messages are a great way to show your personality and bring some fun to someone's day. Just remember to keep it professional, concise, and considerate of your audience. With the right balance, your message can be informative and entertaining, leaving a lasting impression even when you're away.

By following these guidelines and using the examples provided, or by using our out-of-office generator you can save time and craft an out-of-office message that will make your absence noticed—in the best possible way!


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