Time management

Holiday tracking software: 5 key features to look out for

A modern-day tool essential to the efficient management of employee leave or PTO holiday tracking software is the cat’s pajamas.

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Chances are, if you’re searching for holiday tracking software, it’s because you truly need a better system. While you may have gone paperless long ago, updating a spreadsheet every time someone takes time off is still…a lot.

Enter holiday tracking software.

Why is holiday tracking software necessary?

A modern-day tool essential to the efficient management of employee leave or PTO holiday tracking software is the cat’s pajamas. You can use it during the holiday season—or anytime at all. It can automate request and approval processes to save you significant time and do away with human error, for one thing. It can also ensure compliance with labor laws and company policies, minimizing the risk of leave balance or payout inaccuracies. And perhaps best of all, holiday tracking software can promote fairness and equity by processing leave requests as transparently as possible. What better way to boost employee satisfaction or up your resource planning game?

The reality is that without holiday tracking software, your organization faces unnecessary challenges in managing employee leave. This can lead to disruptions, conflicts, and decreased overall operational effectiveness. The human cost of not having appropriate software in place includes heightened stress and dissatisfaction due to manual, error-prone leave management processes. This, in turn, can lead to burnout and strained work-life balance.

If you’re in doubt, know that the numbers don’t lie. In 2023, the size of the global absence and leave management software market was valued at $1004.5 million. And it is expected to reach $2397.51 million in 2032—that’s a compound annual growth rate of 10.15%.

It’s hardly a surprise that the market is growing so sharply. Effective holiday tracking software streamlines the leave management process, providing user-friendly interfaces, real-time updates, and seamless integration with HR systems. You just need to know what to look for.


Holiday tracking software key features

Now that you understand what’s at stake, that’s half the battle won. Next step: getting the software. Here’s a handy little list of what to look for when shopping for the holiday tracking software of your dreams.

Let’s have a closer look, shall we?

1. User-friendly interfaces.

Holiday tracking software with a user-friendly interface is essential to its efficient use by employees and managers alike. You reduce the learning curve, along with potential errors in leave management processes. Imagine having easy access to a calendar view with all employees’ holidays. Or a scenario where employees can easily access their balances all by themselves. Ultimately, intuitive, user-friendly design promotes transparency and removes bureaucratic roadblocks, contributing to a smoother system.

2. Ease and efficiency.

Submitting and approving in just a few quick clicks is a game-changer, full stop. A straightforward process is crucial to minimizing your administrative burden. Your ideal scenario is one in which employees can easily submit leave requests, and managers can promptly approve or manage them. Without unnecessary complications or delays! This type of refreshing simplicity effectively streamlines communications and is 100% something everyone should look for in their holiday tracking software.

3. Customization.

Fact: holiday tracking software needs to be customizable to accommodate diverse organizational leave policies and rules. Having the option of creating custom policies that align with your organization’s specific needs and regulations is key. As is the option of creating custom policies that match employee location—in the case of remote teams. Plus, customizable report templates make sharing payroll, workforce, and time-off data easier with other staff. This flexibility allows you to tailor the software to your unique workflow, making time off a manageable domain. You heard it here first.

4. Reporting.

You know things are looking up when you can view custom reports and export data with just one click. This capability is essential, allowing HR departments and management to analyze leave trends rapidly. With data at your fingertips, strategic decision-making and data-driven planning are suddenly much more in reach. So is compliance with labor regulations. Truth: With strong reporting features to help enhance the usability of holiday tracking software, you save valuable time and energy.

5. Security features.

Your software ensures that your data is safe and secure with features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA). Security features, including MFA, are crucial in holiday tracking software to protect sensitive employee data. Preventing unauthorized access and ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of leave-related information are also priorities. MFA adds a highly effective extra layer of protection, reducing the overall risk of data breaches. The result? A leave management system with an enhanced security posture. In today’s growing cyber threats, this is what you want.

Assessing your organization’s specific needs is critical when implementing holiday tracking software. It’s vital to ensure that the software aligns with your leave policies and compliance requirements. Look for user-friendly interfaces, customizable options, and robust security features to streamline your leave management process while maintaining data integrity. Take the time to evaluate all available features carefully. You want to choose a solution that meets your current requirements and scales with your future needs.

How PurelyHR can help?

We invite you to say goodbye to tedious approval processes. Why not cut hours off your leave management tasks weekly and free up time for other things?

Our Time-Off module offers you an industry-leading solution for tracking PTO and other leave types. One that allows you to:

  • Track automated accruals, policy renewals, and simple requests and approvals
  • Enable notifications for upcoming PTO and pending requests
  • Tackle time-off transparently by giving employees access to their balances anytime
  • Use our shared leave calendar with Outlook, Apple, and Google calendars

Want to see it in action first? Book a demo today.



Got questions? Drop us a line—we look forward to helping you explore your full potential. 

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